Biographies, gathered from various sources, of the players who have represented Ireland at women’s senior international level. If you have photographs, articles, video clips and audio interviews please forward to and we can include it in these pages.

Choose the initial of the player’s surname from the alphabetic index below and select a name from the list of players which appears. If we are missing a player or their biographies please email with their information and we will insert it into the relevant page

A B C D E F G H J K  L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y 

Sirname Maiden Name First Name Other
Haddon I.
Hanna Betty
Hannon K.
Hardiman M.
Harding TBC
Harman J. Binkie
Harris Ruth
Harris V.
Harte Emer
Harvey Michelle
Havelle R.
Hawkshaw Sarah
Hazlett TBC
Healy Louisa
Heffernan V.
Heffernan Bernie
Henderson Kyle Betty Mrs N Henderson
Henderson Louise
Henry Niki
Henry Joy
Henshaw F.
Heron TBC
Hickey E.
Higgins TBC
Hilliard Sarah
Hodgins Jill
Hogan C.
Hogan J.
Holden Colvin Lizzie
Hopkins Thelma
Hornidge Phoebe
Howard Kathryn
Huet Rosamund Ros
Huet Nora
Hughes M.
Hulton L.
Humphreys Karen
Hunter Browne Margaret
Hurley Teresa
Hutchinson Sharon
Hyde Sheila