Biographies, gathered from various sources, of the players who have represented Ireland at women’s senior international level. If you have photographs, articles, video clips and audio interviews please forward to and we can include it in these pages.

Choose the initial of the player’s surname from the alphabetic index below and select a name from the list of players which appears. If we are missing a player or their biographies please email with their information and we will insert it into the relevant page

A B C D E F G H J K  L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y 

Samways Claire
Sargent E.
Sargent Cliodhna
Scott G.
Scott N.
Scott V.
Sealey E.
Shannon Valerie
Shaw I
Shaw Millar Joan
Sheppard Sheila
Shillington B.
Shore C.
Sixsmith Daphne
Sloan Margaret Maggie
Sloan Adele
Small Niamh
Smith B.
Smith Nora
Smithwick Pamela
Smyth Maybin Katharine
Smyth Emma
Speers Alex
Squires Heather
Stack A.
Stanley McCourt Irene
Stanley Nora
Stanley Ann
Stephens Laura
Stevenson Gail
Stewart E.
Stewart J.
Stewart Julie
Stewart Emma
Stoker Norma
Story M.
Stronge Tamara
Surgeoner Vanessa
Sutherland I.
Sutton M.
Sweeney Mary
Symes N.
Symes C.
Symmons Nikki