As part of the Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021 Plan for Living with COVID-19, An Taoiseach Michéal Martin T.D launched the ‘Keep Well’ campaign. This campaign aims to, over the coming months, support communities and individuals to mind their mental and physical health.  

Sport Ireland are leading out on the Keep Well theme of the campaign in partnership with ourselves, Hockey Ireland, to engage people and communities to be active over the winters months.  

In examining the barriers to being active outdoors in winter, the darkness and safety are the most obvious challenges.  With this in mind Hockey Ireland is asking clubs which have a facility to consider providing access to the public to these facilities for walking. It is proposed that, subject to limitations unique to each club, facilities are opened within specified times (with lighting in hours of darkness if/where possible) beginning the 1st week of January to 31st March 2021 (& beyond where possible).  

Sport Ireland is currently assisting Get Ireland Walking with the development of a mobile based app which will assist in managing this access. Clubs will be required to register on the Get Ireland Walking website once they have been notified of their funding allocation by their NGB (details to follow). This will allow their information to be available to walkers booking a time slot on the mobile app (including waivers/Covid symptom-free sign off etc.). Opportunities to train club volunteers to become community walk leaders will also support clubs to provide these opportunities. In future months when the level 5 restrictions are eased, walking groups can be encouraged and promoted. 

A maximum application amount of €1000 is available for clubs to apply to support with costs associated with opening up their facilities for walking activities. The funding will be distributed to Clubs through an open and transparent application process administered by Hockey Ireland. 

We do not share or disclose any of your personal information without your consent, other than for the purposes specified or where there is a legal requirement. The minimum amount of personal information is shared with Sport Ireland.  

Essential criteria for clubs applying for funding: 

–    Lighting at the club OR offer daylight walking time slots. 

–    Walking trail/route on club grounds.  

–    Club safeguarding statement. 

–    Club children’s officer in place.  

–    Coaches and volunteers are Garda vetted. 

–    Covid-19 safety statement. 

–    Covid Officer (s). 

–    Time commitment for ‘Keep Well’ minimum 1 hour twice per week. 

–    Kicking off initiative during the 1st week of January. 

–    Registration on the Get Ireland Walking website once notified of funding allocation.   

Forms must be filled in before 17.00 on 25th Nov – APPLY HERE 

Hockey Ireland will then collate the information and send to Sport Ireland on 30th Nov. If you have any questions about the programme or application, please contact or on 00353 83 1007 105