Galway, January 28th: The women’s National Indoor Finals took place at the Kingfisher Centre in Galway on Sunday. Taking part were Railway Union, and Corinthians who came 1st and 2nd respectively in Leinster, Ulster champions Ards and Connacht Champions University of Galway. In the first semi-final University of Galway took on Railway Union.



University of Galway took the lead in the 4th minute when Ellie Hughes scored from open play. The defending national champions Railway Union responded in the 12th minute when Sarah Patton converted a penalty corner 1-1. Matilde Errico scored from open play, in the 13th minute to give Railway Union a 2-1 lead. Ailish Long scored two open play goals in the 14th minute to leave Railway Union 4-1 ahead. Orla Fox converted a penalty corner in the 15th minute to make the score 5-1. Amy Benson scored from a penalty corner in the 22n d minute 6-1. Matilde Errico scored another open  play goal to make it 7-1 in the 23rd minute. Amy Benson from open play made it 8-1 from open play in the 25th minute. Katie Fearon made it 9-1 in the 33rd minute also from open play. Sarah Patton made it 10-1 in the 35th minute and Amy Benson rounded off the scoring in the 38th minute to send Railway Union through to the National Final.

In the second semi-final Corinthians took on Ulster Champions Ards.



Sharon Seaton opened the scoring for the Leinster women in the 3rd minute from open play. Jessica McGrane added another goal from open play in the 5th minute to make it 2-0 to Corinthians. Isabel Maleady added a third goal from open play in the 24th minute. Ards got off the mark in the 26th minute with a first goal of the match for Ellen Robinson to make it 3-1. Anna Richardson made it 4-1 for Corinthians with her converted penalty corner in the 26th minute. Ellen Robinson completed the scoring for Ards with a 32nd minute field goal and the final score was Corinthians 4 Ards 2 . Corinthians into the National final and Ards to take on University of Galway in the 3rd place play off.





Ailbhe Folan opened the scoring for University of Galway in the first minute from open play. Alyssa Boyd got Ards on the scoresheet and Ailbhe Folan added a second open play goal for University of Galway to make it 2-1 and Ellen Robinson made it 2-2 also in the 5th minute. Susannah Cotter gave Ards the lead in the 11th minute 3-2. Rebecca Beggs got a goal from open play in the 14th minute to make it 4-2. Frankie Brown made it 5-2 in the 16th minute. Susannah Cotter made it 6-2 in the 22nd minute with a goal from open play. Rebecca Beggs made it 7-2 in the 28th minute from open play and Frankie Brown added another one in the 29th minute to secure the bronze medal for Ards on an 8-2 score line.





In the opening minutes it was a very close affair and there were no goals for over 20 minutes. When the lead did come it was the defending National Indoor Champions who got it. Railway Union were awarded a penalty stroke in the 20th minute and Orla Fox made no mistake.1-0 Railway Union. Ava Maleady equalised for Corinthians from open play  in the 28th minute 1-1. Orla Fox converted a penalty corner in the 32nd minute to make it 2-1 for Railway Union. Sophie Barnwell converted a penalty corner in the 34th minute to make it 2-2. There was no further scoring and it went to a penalty shoot-out


SHOOT OUT Sarah Patton scored the first penalty for Railway Union

Sharon Seaton missed Corinthians first penalty, 1-0 Railers.

Micaela Sanderson scored for Railway Union and Sophie Barnwell scores the second penalty for Corinthians2-1 Railers. Orla Patton scored for Railway Union to secure the National Indoor title on a 3-1 score line.





Local rivals Three Rock Rovers and Corinthians played in the first semi-final of the Men’s National Indoor Championships on Sunday. Captain Ross Canning got the scoring under way for Three Rock Rovers by converting a penalty corner in the 16th minute 1-0 to Three Rock Rovers. Jonas Althusmann scored from open play to give Rovers a 2-0 lead in the 18th minute. Jody Hosking converted a penalty corner in the 25th minute to make it 3-0 and James Kyriakides made it 4-0 from open play in the 26th minute. Craig Mackay got Corinthians on the scoresheet from open play on the half hour mark. A final Ryan Williams goal for Three Rock Rovers  in the 36th minute from open play secured a 5-1 win and a ticket to the National Indoor Final.





Ulster Indoor Champions Cookstown took on Leinster Champions Three Rock Rovers in the second of the two semi-finals at the Kingfisher Centre in Galway. It was the Greg Williams show for Railway Union as he opened the scoring in the 1st minute from a converted penalty corner. Daniel Nelson responded for Cookstown in the10th minute from a converted penalty corner to make it 1-1. Greg Williams got his second of the match from open play in the 16th minute to restore Railway’s lead 2-1. A third of the game for Greg Williams made it 3-1 to Railway from open play in the 26th minute. A Michael Kerr goal from open play for Cookstown in the 29th minute reduced the deficit to a single goal Cookstown 2 Railway Union 5. Railway Union were awarded two penalty strokes in the 34th and 39th minutes respectively and Greg Williams made it 4-2 with the first of these and 5-2 with the second of these to reach the National Indoor final against Three Rock Rovers.





Scott McCabe put the Ulster Champions 1-0 ahead in the 5th minute from open play. Cookstown increased their lead  a minute late with a Michael Kerr goal from open play 2-0 to Cookstown. Daniel Kerr increased it even further in the 8th minute with another open play goal 3-0 to Cookstown and Michael Kerr made it 4-0 to Cookstown in the 11th minute also from open play. Corinthians began their Lazarus like comeback when Ben O’Grady converted a penalty corner on 14 minutes to make it 4-1. Craig Mackay scored from open play in the 19th minute to make it 4-2 and again in the 23rd minute to make it 4-3.Craig Mackay completed his hat-trick to secure a 4-4 draw in the 26th minute. Third place was shared by both sides and no shoot out ensued.





Three Rock Rovers won the Men’s National Indoor Hockey Championship at the Kingfisher Centre in Galway beating Railway Union 5-3 in today’s final. Three Rock Rovers took the lead in the 12th minute through James Kyriakides from open play. Railway Union equalised within 60 seconds when they were awarded a penalty stroke which Greg Williams converted to make the score 1-1. Ross Canning restored Three Rock Rovers’ lead in the 18th minute to make it 2-1 to Rovers. Daragh Curley scored for Railway Union from open play to level matters at 2-2 in the 23rd minute. James Walker made it 3-2 for Three Rock with a goal from open play. Jody Hosking added another goal for Three Rock from a converted penalty corner in the 33rd minute, to make it 4-2. Ben Ryder’s goal in the 37th minute from open play sealed a 5-2 victory for Three Rock Rovers and the National Indoor Championship Trophy will live in the Trophy Cabinet at Grange Road for the next year.


We are inviting everyone who currently volunteers in any capacity to a Think-Tank Workshop. Coaches, Committee members, Umpires, Parents we need to hear your ideas so we can grow and improve our Volunteer Programme. We will be putting you to work on the night so come armoured with ideas, solutions and your wealth of experience and Passion.

All Think Tanks are from 7-9pm
Thursday 1st Feb. Cairnes Building, University of Galway, H91 WN80
Tuesday 6th February, Sports Ireland Campus, Conference Centre, Dublin. D15 EPN4
Thursday 8th February, Belfast Harlequins. BT9 5JX
Monday 12th February, Firgrove Hotel, Mitchelstown, Cork. P67 Y206

It is also a great opportunity to meet other club members. Each session will last 2 hours. Teas and Coffees provided.

Please RSVP to volunteer@irelandhockey.sportlomo.com


EY Hockey League returns after the Christmas break this weekend with the EYHL Division 2 2023/24 season start.

The League will sort out which teams from outside the EYHL gain promotion to the topflight at the end of the season. The teams qualify via their finishing position in their respective provincial leagues. The teams who were relegated from the topflight in 2022-23 are also included, making up a total of 20 teams. These twenty teams (10 male and 10 female) are divided into two groups of 5 in each division. One team in each Pool will be idle per week.

The top two in each Division qualify for the EYHL 2 semi-finals in both men’s and women’s categories. There is a finals weekend hosted where the semi-finals are played off on a Saturday and the finals are played on the Sunday. The good news for the finalists is that, as two teams are relegated from both the Men’s and Women’s top division each year, both finalists gain promotion to the EYHL Men’s and Women’s Division 1 respectively with a trophy being awarded to the winner to crown EYHL2 champions. But the main goal is promotion to the top flight for the four finalists concerned in both men’s and women’s competitions.



















The Men’s Irish Senior Cup 2024 competition first round has another tie down for decision this weekend when N.I. Civil Service take on Cookstown. The rest of the ties will be taking place over the next few weeks. Teams currently involved in quarter-finals and knockout stages of provincial cup competitions will play their ties once those other matches have been completed.




Players in front of fans after the match.

The task for Ireland going into tonight’s last pool match of these Olympic Qualifiers was simple. A win and second place in the pool and a spot in the semi-finals would be secure. In fact, a draw given Ireland’s superior goal difference to the Koreans might also have been enough. Belgium went on from their 0-0 draw with Ireland to beat Korea 10-1 and Ukraine 13-0 and win the Group. Ireland would have needed to beat Korea 15-0 to win the group and that outcome was highly unlikely. to secure a semi-final tilt with Great Britain.

Hannah McLoughlin had an early penalty corner attempt saved by Eunji KIM. McFerren made a good save from a circle entry by the Koreans. The ball struck her on the lower arm, and she needed a little attention from the physio before continuing in action. Korea forced a number of corners both long and penalty in the 10th minute without really testing McFerren.

Ireland finished the quarter strongly 0-0 at the end of the first quarter. The Korean defended well in numbers and having shipped 10 goals against the Belgians in their previous outing were determined there would not be a repeat. Jeogihn Kim was green carded for Korea in the 19th minute Sarah Hawkshaw got green carded in the 22nd minute but neither Ireland or  Korea were unable to put their temporary numerical advantages to productive use. Korea and Ireland were taking it in turns to attack as the quarter drew to a close. Sarah Torrans dived in to intercept a pass across goal by a Korean player, but her interception didn’t go on target. It was 0-0 at half time.

The third quarter began and Roisín Upton was green carded in the 32nd minute. Ireland got their second penalty corner of the match in the 34th minute while shorthanded. Sarah Hawkshaw diving in at the far post converted the penalty corner from Hannah McLoughlin’s initial goal bound shot. Ireland 1-0. Korea didn’t see the ball while Ireland were shorthanded as the girls in green defended well.

Sarah Torrans was green carded in the 41st minute and again Ireland had the better of times during her absence. Deirdre Duke was unlucky not to score diving effort saved by Eunji KIM and while on the ground she attempted another which the keeper batted away with her blocker. Deirdre Duke had gone on a run and shot the ball in the net in the 45th minute .

The Koreans referred it to the video referral. But the goal stood, and the Koreans lost their video referral. Ireland led 2-0 at the end of the third quarter.  Eunbi Cheon, the Korean captain almost got them on the score sheet in the fourth quarter forcing a save from Ayeisha McFerren. From the resultant long corner, Korea did score the ball was sent to Cho Hyejin at the far post and she scored to make it 2-1. This was the first goal Ireland had conceded in the tournament. Michelle Carey was yellow carded and Ireland were shot handed for Ireland were awarded a penalty stroke in the 55th minute which Roisin Upton converted with aplomb to make it 3-1 to Ireland. The Koreans withdrew their goalkeeper with five minutes to go. Ireland failed to convert a penalty corner when Korea had no keeper, and they also had the ball in the net, but the whistle had already blown for a free hit to Korea in the closing minutes. The Koreans forced a penalty corner in the 58th minute but were unable to convert it and Ireland held out to win 3-1. They will face Spain the winners of Pool B in their semi-final.


After the match, we spoke with Captain Katie Mullan and Player of the Match, Sarah Hawkshaw

To Katie Mullan: 

Q.1 Katie, a place in the semi-finals secured an important first step?

“It feels great we are very excited. This is the place we wanted to be in. I’m really proud of the girls tonight. It was another game and another job done. And we put in a brilliant performance. Everyone did their job and we are ready to go for the semi-final”

Q2. Is it good to have a familiar opponent  in the semi-finals?

“Yeah we’ve played Spain a lot and we have lot of experience of playing against them , and on this pitch. I’ve no doubt that it will be a good battle but we’ll be ready for it.”


To Sarah Hawkshaw:  

Q.1 Tell us about the first goal of the game. Was that one from the training ground?

“Yeah most certainly is. Look , for that to come off , all the basics have to be right . Hannah McLoughlin delivered a great ball. So I just had the small matter of touching it in.” 

Q.2  Sarah there were a number of green and yellow cards awarded against Ireland today and we played much of the second half down to 10 players , were you under increased pressure short handed?

“We always like to make it a little bit more exciting don’t we?  It is a bit more pressure, but we practice those scenarios though. We know what it’s like to be down (players) because of cards. Cards come freely in the game. We have to be used to it. We showed a lot of resilience I think to hold them out.” 


IRELAND: Ayeisha Mc Ferren, Róisín Upton, Hannah McLoughlin, Ellen Curran, Beth Harper,  Katie McKee, Sarah Hawkshaw, Katie Mullan (C ), Charlotte Beggs, Naomi Carroll, Niamh Carey

SUBS USED:  Sarah McAuley (5 mins), Michelle Carey (6 mins), Sarah Torrans (6 mins), Elena Neill (5 mins), Chloe Watkins (6 mins), Deirdre Duke (5 mins), Liz Murphy (GK) (not used)


KOREA: Eunji KIM (GK), Jungeun SEO, Hynju AN, Eunbi CHEON (C), Hyejin CHO,  Minjeong KIM, Eunji CHO, Yuri LEE, Seungae PARK, Suyoung SEO, Sujin AN

SUBS USED: Juyeon LEE (6 mins), Yujin LEE (3 mins), Soyeong KWON (9 mins), Jina KANG (7 mins), Eunji KIM (4 mins), Jeongihn KIM (3 mins), Seoyeon LEE  (GK) (not used)

Hockey Ireland joins Ulster Hockey in sadness as it learns of the death of Dr Moira McKelvey (née Hopkins) who passed away peacefully on Thursday 11th January 2024. 

Moira had a very distinguished hockey career which started off at Victoria College, Belfast. When she was at school, she won her first full international cap for Ireland at the age of 17. Her sister, Thelma, who was a year younger, was also on the team. Ireland played Wales on that occasion and won the match 2-1, with Moira scoring Ireland’s first goal and Thelma the second. 

Moira had 15 Irish caps from 1953 to 1971 and represented Ulster in Interprovincial matches from 1952 to the late 1970s. After she graduated from Queens University in Medicine, she played for Victorians from 1958 to the late 1980s when she was nearly 50 years of age. A newspaper article, written in the Belfast Telegraph by Artie O’Neill in February 1981, had the headline, ‘Victorians owe a lot to Moira’, saying the young squad had the benefit of the maturity of former international Moira upfront and ’the speed that Moira moves on the field certainly belies her age’. 

Off the pitch Moira contributed greatly to hockey in Ulster. She was President of the Ulster Women’s Hockey Union from 1981-1983 and sat on the Ulster Women’s Hockey Committee for many years. She was President of Victorians Ladies Hockey Club from 1985 to 2007 and was actively involved in the club as a player and an official for 49 years.  

At this sad time we remember how much Moira gave to hockey over the years. Our condolences go to her husband, Jimmy, son Bill, grandsons Ben, Matt & Nick and her sister Thelma, who is in Canada. 

Following the announcement of its partnership extension earlier this year, Hockey Ireland and SoftCo, the global leader in Procure-to-Pay and Compliance solutions, are proud to announce a new initiative in support of Hockey goalkeeping excellence entitled ‘The Goalie Club’.

The Goalie Club will work with coaches and emerging talent throughout the country to develop key skills, and will see the development of a national team of Goalkeeper Coaches headed by David Fitzgerald, Irish Hockey International and Rio 2016 Olympian.

This 3 year initiative is fortunate to include one of the world’s leading goalkeeping coaches, Nigel Henderson, who will lead on instruction and who is responsible for the emergence of David Harte and Ayeisha McFerran, both current Ireland International goalkeepers.

The additional SoftCo funding will also support the creation of a digital content series of Nigel’s expert coaching tutorials, available to affiliated coaches throughout the country to develop the next generation of stars and includes the active involvement of the current crop of Internationals including David Harte, Jamie Carr, Ayeisha McFerran and Lizzie Murphy.

The Goalie Club reaffirms SoftCo’s longstanding commitment to growth and development of hockey in Ireland which began in 2018 when SoftCo became the lead sponsor of the Women’s Senior Team who won Silver in the 2018 FIH World Cup. The partnership was further extended when SoftCo became the lead sponsor to the Men’s Senior Team, as well as the U21/ National development squads for girls and boys in 2021.

“We’re delighted to announce this new initiative. It’s such an exciting time with the Men’s side participating in the FIH Pro League and both Senior teams competing in January’s Olympic Qualifiers. We are particularly pleased to expand our partnership with Hockey Ireland to include the support of underage coaching and online skills training to help develop the future stars of the sport,” said Jim Coffey , Co-Founder, SoftCo.

Hockey Ireland CEO, Anne McCormack added: “SoftCo continue to share our vision for the growth of our sport and the development of our hockey talent, and this new Goalie Club initiative is a great example of where the partnership can deliver real impact. More than that, it provides us a framework for further digital content and coaching excellence which will hold us in good stead as we look to an ever brightening future.”

The hockey community grieves the loss of one of the greatest servants of the sport of hockey in Ireland, Joan Priestman (nee Horne) 6th May 1929 – 5th September 2023.

Joan was 94 years old and had dedicated her entire life to the sport she loved, serving as a player and administrator, at club, provincial and national level, and in later years supporting her club. She was an Honorary Life Member of Muckross Hockey Club, Leinster Hockey, Irish Ladies Hockey Union and Hockey Ireland, and was capped for Ireland 43 times. This was at a time when Ireland played 4-5 internationals most years, including the Home International championship just to put that total into context. If she had played in the modern era she would most likely have been in the over 200 international cap bracket. She was also inducted into the Hockey Ireland Hall of Fame in 2006.

One of Joan’s greatest achievements off the field was bringing the 8th Women’s Hockey World Cup to Dublin in 1994 and she was also Chairperson of the organising committee. At the time the ILHU invited a member of the Irish Men’s Hockey Union to assist and be a member of the 1994 Women’s World Cup organising committee. This arrangement worked so well, that when the Irish Men’s Hockey Union were awarded the Men’s European Championships in 1995, the Irish Men’s Hockey Union reciprocated by inviting one of the ILHU members of the World Cup organising committee to be part of the Men’s European Championships Organising Committee. This was seen as the first step to the formation of Hockey Ireland a few years later and Joan Priestman, in her role as Chairperson of the Women’s World Cup organising committee, was an integral part of the co-operation between the two Unions, which was brought about by hosting of these two tournaments in 1994 and 1995. That level of co-operation between the two Unions led to the eventual formation of Hockey Ireland.

Leinster Hockey President Deirdre Matthews remembered Joan’s passion for hockey and her enthusiasm, encouragement and passion for the sport adding “it was always a pleasure to see Joan appearing pitch side, in all weathers, to cheer on the teams and while her mobility might have slowed her down a bit over recent years, she was always a strong advocate for the sport and especially the women’s game at club and schools level. Into her 90s, Joan was regularly on the side-line in Muckross School cheering on her beloved Muckross HC. She will be sadly missed and on behalf of everyone in Leinster Hockey I would like to offer my sympathy to her family at this sad time”.

Hockey Ireland Chair Trevor Watkins noted Joan’s significant contribution to the sport across Ireland, “As Hockey grows and develops across Ireland, and as our international teams continue to compete at the highest level, the sport owes a debt of gratitude to its past advocates and representatives, none greater than Joan. Our thoughts are with Joan’s family and friends as we remember her wonderful life in our sport”.

Joan was educated at Muckross College and Dominican Convent, Wicklow. While at Wicklow she won her first Interprovincial honour, playing at centre forward for Leinster Schools. Joan was a very versatile player and played all positions, except goal, at representative level. After leaving school in 1947, she joined Muckross HC and she was soon playing for the Leinster senior squad at centre forward and, in 1949, at left inner. In 1950, she travelled to The Hague with the Irish Touring Team and in 1952 she won her first international cap playing against Wales on March 1st at Blaydon Drive.

Joan was a member of the Irish team to the IFWHA Conference at Folkstone in 1953 and in 1954, she was on the Irish team which toured the USA winning all but two matches which were drawn with the host country.
In 1958, she was picked at left back for Ireland against England at Celtic Park, Belfast, the match ending in a 2 all draw. But the greatest honour came in 1962, when, as Irish captain, Joan led her team to a 2-0 home win over England at Londonbridge Road; their first win over them for twelve years. The following year, she captained the Irish team which beat Holland 3-2, a feat which has not been achieved since and in 1965 in Celtic Park, she lead the team to a 2-1 victory over a highly experienced South African team, the only country to beat them on their tour of Great Britain & Ireland.

In September 1965, Joan travelled with the combined Great Britain & Ireland side which toured the USA, as one of only three Irish players included in the selection. In 1969 Joan represented Leinster for the last time when she literally came out of retirement to travel and play in Jamaica.

Joan was Hon Secretary of the ILHU from 1971 to 1975 and Leinster President from 1987 to 1990. In 1989 she was part of the committee which travelled to Brussels to make the case for Ireland hosting the Women’s Hockey World Cup. The FIH agreed and so her dream came true in the summer of 1994 when, as chairperson of the World Cup Committee, she headed the Organising Committee which successfully staged the 8th Women’s Hockey World Cup in Dublin. At the Centenary AGM on 22nd October 1994, Joan was honoured with Life Membership of the ILHU, an appropriate acknowledgement of her service to Irish Hockey.

Rest in Peace Joan