Biographies, gathered from various sources, of the players who have represented Ireland at women’s senior international level. If you have photographs, articles, video clips and audio interviews please forward to and we can include it in these pages.

Choose the initial of the player’s surname from the alphabetic index below and select a name from the list of players which appears. If we are missing a player or their biographies please email with their information and we will insert it into the relevant page

A B C D E F G H J K  L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y 

Sirname Maiden Name First Name Known As
Baker C.P.
Baker Dorothy
Bannigan Margaret
Barnwall Maura
Barnwell Mary
Barr Lauren
Barr Serena
Barr Bethany Beth
Barrington H.
Barry Nancy
Barry Rebecca
Bartlett Marie
Bateman Sheila
Bateman O’Brien Karen
Beamish Hilda
Beaney Suzanne
Beatty Emily
Begley Jacqueline Jackie
Bell A.
Bell F.
Bell Mary
Bell Orla
Bennett N.
Beresford Knox Elise
Bishop Leo
Blake TBC
Blake Peatt Maud
Boileau E.
Bolger Catherine
Bonar Kirsty
Bonner S.
Bourke Pat
Bourke Pat
Bowe Hannah
Boyd Alice
Boyd Ida
Boyles Thompson Arlene
Bradshaw Elaine
Brady Hilary
Branagan Noelle Nellie
Braund Mrs K.
Brehony Fiona
Bridge K.
Brislane Daphne
Bromell Elaine
Bromwell Ann
Brosnan Teresa Rita
Brown Catherine
Brown Margaret Maggie
Brown Chloe
Browne Tara
Buckley Helen
Buckley A.
Buckley Emma
Burke P.
Burke Fallon Marigold
Burke Jenny
Burkitt N.
Burns Joan
Burns White Lesley
Burns McWilliams Jackie
Burns Shankey Carolyn
Burrows Wallis Sheila
Byrne Eileen
Byrne M.