Hockey Ireland Coronavirus (COVID-19) UPDATE regarding Changes to COVID-19 Restrictions.
4th June 2021
The Irish government have issued further updates to the Covid-19 guidelines for Returning to Sport.
The following applies from 07th June 2021:
- Outdoor matches may recommence.
- A maximum of 100 may attend organised outdoor events. This includes players, match officials and spectators.
- Individual indoor training and one to one (player and coach) training is permitted. Please see detailed guidelines below for indoor training.
The following applies from 05th July 2021 (subject to public health guidance):
- A maximum of 200 may attend organised outdoor events.
- Indoor hockey can recommence in pods of up to 6.
Indoor Training Guidance
The Sport Ireland Return to Sport Expert Group have issued detailed guidelines for the return of indoor training. These guidelines are expected to remain in place until at least July 05th 2021 when restrictions may be eased further.
Please note: The following guidelines apply to Republic of Ireland only. For Northern Ireland, please find further details here: Return To Sport | Sport NI
Individual training is defined as: ‘Individual, physically distanced, non-contact activity, completed in a pre-defined area, within a controlled environment and without the sharing of equipment.
The following applies to indoor training:
- Staggered start and finish times combined with appropriate entry, exit and traffic management protocols to limit the interaction of participants at any one time.
- Prebooking of activity is essential. This includes the health screening of all participants (including coaches & support personnel). All personnel on-site should be recorded.
- Reduction in the overall duration of the activity.
- Participants arrive ready to train and leave immediately (no changing room or shower use).
- Additional signage, hand sanitisation stations and deep cleaning implemented.
- No equipment sharing in any circumstances.
- Activity should take place in a predefined area which is visually marked out and directionally signed.
- The space required in this area should reflect the nature and intensity of the activity.
- There should be in excess of 2m social distancing between each of the predefined areas.
- The Cleaning & Ventilation of facilities should be conducted in accordance with the Government’s most recent Work Safely Protocol. Additional information can also be found in the appendixes of this documents.
One to one (coach and player training – in line with safeguarding requirements – may proceed as follows:
- Any demonstration of equipment or technique should ensure that a minimum of 2m social distancing is maintained.
- Individual equipment should not be shared.
- In the case of fixed equipment, cleaning of such equipment must be completed immediately after demonstration and before the individual participant uses it.
- There should be no hands-on adjustments or physical contact during training sessions.
- Coaches and trainers are asked to refer to the HSE guidance on wearing of face coverings, which is available here: When to wear a face covering –
Additional Points:
- For clubs who wish to undertake one to one or individual training indoors, the above guidelines should incorporate the guidance outlined in this document into their existing Covid 19 Return to Training Policies and Procedures.
- The guidelines assume an ongoing allowance of indoor activity as dictated by the Public Health Situation and whether sporting facilities are open.
- The training must be supervised by a branch-registered Club Covid-19 Compliance Officer.
Clubs undertaking indoor activity must:
- Implement thorough and regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces. If disinfection of an area is required, it must be performed in addition to cleaning, never as a substitute for cleaning.
- Ensure contact/touch surfaces such as table tops, door handles and handrails are visibly clean at all times. Additionally, sports equipment should be cleaned before and after use.
- Provide coaches/ participants with essential cleaning materials to keep their own areas clean (for example wipes/disinfection products, paper towels and waste bins/bags).
- Records should be maintained for all cleaning.