Sport Ireland has announced an increased general spending package of €5.5m in Dormant Accounts Funding for a wide range of sport and physical activity areas, including Diversity, Inclusion & Equality Fund activities and Disability Sports measures.

The funding will impact communities across Ireland through the National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) and their affiliated Clubs, as well as the extensive network of funded bodies and Local Sports Partnerships.

The investment builds on Sport Ireland’s work in this area to date and aims to expand and enhance the delivery of the Government’s ‘Sport for All’ initiatives along with Sport Ireland’s Diversity & Inclusion, Disability and Women in Sport Policies.

This funding will support Hockey Ireland with the following specific programmes in 2023:

  • Young Hockey Leaders and Young Umpire Award
  • Outreach for refugees and asylum seekers
  • Research aiming to engage female teens (aged 12-15) with hockey in harder to reach areas without hockey facilities.


Twenty-one (21) Hockey Clubs have also been awarded funding via the Disability Sports Fund as outlined in the following document: Dormant Account Funding.